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From: Peter Dimov (pdimov_at_[hidden])
Date: 2024-09-08 15:32:33

Christian Mazakas wrote:
> A Code of Conduct shouldn't ever be controversial, especially because Boost
> has already had a de facto one for decades.
> The problem is, if you named this code-of-conduct.html, it triggers a visceral
> reaction such as Andrey chudding out quite badly in my review thread.

Ironically, calling someone's post "chudding out" very likely violates
our current discussion policy on at least two counts (it's an insult and
invokes ad hominem.)

For those who don't know, "to chud out" is a derogatory way to state
"to express a rightist position in a context where only leftist positions
are considered acceptable." (Leftists would rather state this as "to express
a socially unacceptable position".)

It comes from "chud", a manufactured insult for rightists. "Chud" comes
from "C.H.U.D.", "Cannibalistic Humanoid Underground Dwellers".

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