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From: Ion Gaztañaga (igaztanaga_at_[hidden])
Date: 2024-09-09 16:10:57

El 09/09/2024 a las 17:48, Hans Dembinski via Boost escribió:
>> The storage costs are minimal but the bandwidth is not. At one point Boost
> downloads approached 60TB per month and Bintray couldn't afford to support
> us for free. JFrog generously offered to take over.
>> Recently, our downloads started approaching almost 200TB per month, and
> now even JFrog couldn't afford to keep hosting us for free. They suggested
> we use a CDN to reduce traffic costs. I reached out to multiple
>> providers to get a good deal. The best rate was from Fastly but this was
> also too expensive. The C++ Alliance offered to handle these costs and we
> subscribed to Fastly. Sam Darwin administers our Fastly account.
> Isn't that a contradiction to the Boost-is-in-decline narrative?

My understanding is that this bandwidth increase is due to some new
non-C++ language packages depending on Boost, not because we have 3x C++
developers downloading boost.



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