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From: Matt Borland (matt_at_[hidden])
Date: 2024-09-11 13:26:53

DISCLAIMER: I am a C++Alliance Employee

Prior to my employment by the C++Alliance I had been a contributor to Boost for a few years primarily in the Math domain. I enjoyed working with everyone, so when an opportunity to join the C++Alliance came around I took it.

I agree with the foundation that the core of Boost is volunteers, but by adding a number of part time and full time employees we are able to handle much larger projects and sustained maintenance that may just be otherwise unfeasible. I don't think, for example, GCC would be better off without RedHat employees working on it because many people depend on it just like many people depend on Boost.

I like that the C++Alliance is heavily invested in the future of Boost and it's infrastructure. Drone is fast and has a diversity of architectures that aren't available in Github Actions. We've been adding CUDA support to Boost.Math and a testing environment for that was happily provided since there is a heavy demand signal from our users. The new website is a pretty clear improvement over the current one. We also have Sam Darwin who is already helping the distribution of Boost happen behind the scenes. I see no reason to not want to work with an organization that literally puts their money where their mouth is.

The fiscal sponsorship model and the new steering committee are the right choice for the future. The fiscal sponsorship model is not new and worked for Boost in the past. The three (possibly five) members of the initial steering committee all have public and sustained interactions with the Boost community. I trust they have the best interests of the project in mind since they have skin in the game.

I would like to echo what Chris said in his review. Tensions have obviously been high over the past weeks and months between some rather large personalities. Once this referendum is complete I hope that we can have a peaceful transfer of power and return to a more cordial environment with a focus on how we can make Boost better moving forward.

Bottom Line: I vote ACCEPT for the C++Alliance's Fiscal Sponsorship Proposal


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