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From: Andrey Semashev (andrey.semashev_at_[hidden])
Date: 2024-09-11 22:37:05

On 9/11/24 22:23, Zach Laine via Boost wrote:
> 4) The Board is a volunteer project, like Boost is. As such, people
> work mostly on what they care about, and don't really do much for
> things they don't care about. So when I read, "The Board is not
> communicating enough," I think there are a couple of things to
> consider. 4a) Do we expect volunteers to do the stuff they want to
> work on, and then communicate that they did that to someone else that
> was not working on that same thing? Do we do that with our Boost
> libraries? I might communicate changes, including bug fixes, in
> release notes. I do this because it affects others. But if I make a
> non-functional change, who do I tell, and why?

I don't think that issues with the website, or X accounts, or the logo
(which, formally, Boost may not have the right to use) and a number of
other things can be categorized as not affecting users or developers.

> Note that, when there
> has been a loss of service, someone has mentioned it on the list right
> away, as far as I know. Do we also want people to mention when the
> Board took some action that kept a loss of service from happening?

Why not? If someone did the work, he might as well get the well deserved
praise for it.

Boost list run by bdawes at, gregod at, cpdaniel at, john at