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From: Vinnie Falco (vinnie.falco_at_[hidden])
Date: 2024-09-12 14:59:14

On Thu, Sep 12, 2024 at 5:51 AM Vladimir Prus via Boost
<boost_at_[hidden]> wrote:
> My only proposal/condition is that the members of the new Boost Steering
> Committee be provided with access to all relevant IT resources (DNS registrar,
> DNS hosting, any cloud providers) and that they meet with the alliance
> periodically, like twice per year, and verify that all the access still
> works. We want to make sure that in the case of any emergency, we're
> prepared.

Thank you for your detailed review.

I agree with what you wrote above and our plan goes even beyond that.
Having access to relevant IT resources is not enough, the Steering
Committee needs the ability to deploy the architecture elsewhere if it
becomes necessary to do so. For example if current hosting providers
were to start banning users from countries sanctioned by the United
States government. To ensure redundancy and self-determination I am
envisioning a model where the Steering Committee can put out a call
for contracts, and external organizations can submit bids for
providing infrastructure services for the Boost project (what C++
Alliance is currently providing for the new website preview at The SC can choose which organization will provide and
administer the infrastructure services. Part of the deal is that they
will submit a single "super invoice" to the fiscal sponsor for
repayment, and they have to offer Net 90 payment terms (in other words
they are willing to wait up to 90 days for reimbursement). This solves
the problem experienced with the Software Freedom Conservancy where it
took a long time for the invoices to be paid. With the single invoice,
there is much less paperwork for the Steering Committee.


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