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From: hans.dembinski_at_[hidden]
Date: 2024-09-16 16:18:09

I vote to accept the proposal of the Boost Foundation.


I am neither affiliated with the C++ Alliance nor with the Boost Foundation.

I am the developer of the Histogram library, which sees a lot of use in the
scientific community.


My personal values are aligned with the Boost Foundation and its supporters.
My observation is that the C++ Alliance uses money to gain influence over
this community, for example, by paying some community members to work on
projects, and through its donations into the infrastructure. I want Boost to
be a non-hierarchical community based on volunteer work, inclusivity,
transparency, and consensus. The community is developing away from this
ideal, as the C++ Alliance has taken an increasingly dominant role. While my
decision here may not change that trend, I cannot support a proposal which
would further increases their influence.



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