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From: Andrey Semashev (andrey.semashev_at_[hidden])
Date: 2024-09-16 21:58:30

On 9/17/24 00:39, Andrzej Krzemienski via Boost wrote:
> pon., 16 wrz 2024 o 22:07 Alfredo Correa <alfredo.correa_at_[hidden]>
> napisał(a):
>> On Mon, Sep 16, 2024 at 7:17 AM Andrzej Krzemienski <akrzemi1_at_[hidden]>
>> wrote:
>>> The term "stride-based". It is not clear to me what it means.
>> It referees to the main data structure layout that the library supports.
>> Ultimately, it says that the data of any Multi object is arranged as
>> base + i1*stride1 + i2*stride2 + i3*stride3 + ...
> Sorry, I still don't get it. I also do notunderstand if there are any other
> possible representations, not stride-based.

"Stride-based" usually refers to how the data is stored in memory and
means that rows (and higher dimensions) are stored contiguously. To
access an element at Nth row one would have to take the address of the
row 0 and add N multiplied by the row size (called the stride). A simple
example of this is N-dimensional C++ core language arrays.

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