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From: Andrey Semashev (andrey.semashev_at_[hidden])
Date: 2024-09-17 22:40:06

On 9/18/24 01:10, Robert Ramey via Boost wrote:
> On 9/17/24 2:18 PM, Andrey Semashev via Boost wrote:
>> On 9/17/24 23:29, Robert Ramey via Boost wrote:
>>> Proposed changes to Boost Library Foundation bylaws. refer to:
>>> Section 1. Powers and Duties. [...] The Board shall have the power to
> control and manage policies
>>> for acceptance of new Boost Software and the usage and maintenance
> thereof.
>> I would be strongly opposed to this. The Boost Foundation (or The C++
>> Alliance) never had and never should have the power to affect acceptance
>> of new Boost Software, nor its maintenance. Library acceptance can only
>> happen through the review process.
> Board shall have the power to control and manage policies for acceptance
> of new Boost Software.
> Hmmm - This is not at all the same as having the board decide what
> software to accept.  I wasn't suggesting that the
> Board/Foundation/whatever have such a power.
> The question arises as to what are the procedures for the acceptance of
> Boost Software. Currently, this is addressed by the formal review of
> library submissions.  But what happens if we need to alter this.  For
> example, I'm of the view that Boost Tools should be subject to formal
> review.  The implementation of this policy would have to be in the hands
> of the board of directors - who else could it be?

In the current state of things - the Boost Community. And I believe,
that's how it should be.

If The Boost Foundation has the power to define the policy of library
acceptance then by extension it has the power to affect what is being

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