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From: Andrzej Krzemienski (akrzemi1_at_[hidden])
Date: 2024-09-18 08:26:57

sob., 14 wrz 2024 o 03:16 Vinnie Falco via Boost <boost_at_[hidden]>

> On Fri, Sep 13, 2024 at 5:44 PM Alan de Freitas via Boost
> <boost_at_[hidden]> wrote:
> > ...
> Phew... thank you for that review!
> > - Regarding Discord, the community has repeatedly declined to move from
> the
> > Mailing List. I'm not a big fan of Mailing Lists, but I see no point in
> > insisting on that.
> You meant Discourse. I can think of one "advantage." You can lock
> threads, delete posts, and ban people more easily. For example:

Yes, I remember reading this thread. And I must say this gives me creeps.
I am not well familiar with the US culture, political mood or etiquette. I
guess the moderation process like this is generally acceptable, and
apparently even desired by some, and I believe done with good intentions.
But where I come from (Poland), where the experience of the communist
regime is still strong, it would be reminiscent of the difficult past.
I apologize if what I say is offensive or hurts anyone's feelings. I
understand that expressing one person's feelings may offend another
person's feelings.

My next questions may also come across as offensive or hostile, but I
really do not mean them this way. I feel I need to ask them, because this
matter affects me deeply.

Should the following items from the Boost Foundation Stewardship Proposal
be implemented:
* Incorporate and enforce a strong code of conduct
* Make an active effort to improve behavior on the mailing list
* Consider adopting a modern communication platform, such as discourse

1. Is Vinnie Falco going to be removed from these social spaces (Mailing
List, Discourse) as the next step?
2. Will the questions like mine in this email be moderated out?


> In this post I asked if I was welcome to participate in the Beman
> project, referencing the aspect of its code of conduct which refers to
> off-platform behavior. Jeff Garland replied and asked me why I would
> want to participate. I explained to him that the benefits to a greater
> number of users who adopt Mr. Docs for documenting their proposed
> libraries outweigh the disadvantages of working with people who
> dislike me. David Sankel then locked the thread. And now it seems he
> has deleted the thread. My question was never answered.
> I'd rather not see this style of moderation come to places where Boost
> discussions take place, thank you.
> Regards
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