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From: Andrzej Krzemienski (akrzemi1_at_[hidden])
Date: 2024-09-25 07:13:19

On Wed, Sep 25, 2024, 04:29 Alfredo Correa via Boost <boost_at_[hidden]>

> > > It [OpenCV] ain't perfect by any means. But it works, well debugged,
> > understood
> > > and is a widely available library that does the job.
> >
> > It's also a pretty heavy dependency, especially if you didn't need all
> the
> > other stuff, and appears to be an example of an intrusive framework (for
> > good reason, IFF you need the rest)
> >
> Right, comparing a framework with a generic component is a waste of time.
> One has to look at how things inside and "outside" the framework compare,
> and how the code scales after that.
> This takes a lot of time and effort and will keep boiling down to
> frameworks vs generic component.
> I will say "you can sort with std::sort a 2D array" and the other person
> will answer either that a) "he/she doesn't need to do that" or b) that
> "he/she can ask the developer of the framework to implement .sort_by_row
> and .sort_by_col`" or c) that "he/she can take the pointer to the data
> structure and do it himself".
> It is a never ending argument.

A comparison like that is indeed pointless. But it does make sense to say,
"openCV is a framework" In the docs. And maybe you want to compare its data
storage and access.


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