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From: Andrzej Krzemienski (akrzemi1_at_[hidden])
Date: 2024-09-25 20:59:44

Did I get it right that Multi can be considered a superior alternative to
If so, it triggers a couple of points:
* Can Boost.MultiArray be upgraded instead?
* The same questions, "is it useful at all", apply also to Boost.MultiArray.
* Whatever the motivation for using Boost.MultiArray is, it should also be
a good motivation for Multi.

I read in the Boost.MultiArraydocs that it is a better replacement for
vector<vector<...>>. So, maybe a good use case is for simple use cases,
where you want to store and perform a simple access to relatively
small-sized data sets, where performance is important, but not
super-critical, and changing from nested vectors to Multi is already good
and sufficient an optimization.

As a side note, when comparing Multi with std::mdspan. The latter requires
C++23, while the former, only C++17. So, when someone has C++17, mdspan is
not an option. BTW, why do you require C++17?


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