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From: Robert Ramey (ramey_at_[hidden])
Date: 2024-10-06 23:53:43

On 10/6/24 4:09 PM, Joel de Guzman via Boost wrote:
> On 10/7/24 3:13 AM, Robert Ramey via Boost wrote:
>> On 10/4/24 11:21 AM, Vinnie Falco via Boost wrote:
>>> Should one or more of these libraries be marked as "deprecated" in their
>>> corresponding meta/libraries.json?
>>> Array
>>> Assign
>>> Chrono
>>> Compatibility
>>> compressed_pair
>>> enable_if
>>> ForEach
>>> functional
>>> mem_fn
>>> move
>>> MPL
>>> Ratio
>>> ResultOf
>>> Typeof
>> I would think that serialization should be added to this list as it
>> uses a lot of "deprecated" libraries and this is not going to change.
> You can add "Classic Spirit" to the list: The first generation version
> Spirit V1.8.
> The LTS (C++03) version of Spirit is currently V2.59, and the newest
> version is Spirit.X3.

FYI - the reason that serialization was never "upgraded" was that as far
as I could tell it had a different interface. And since version 1 works
forever, there was never any motivation to change the serialization library.

FYI2 - My policy is that once something is working, I don't mess with it
unless there is some substantive reason to do so. E.G. I wouldn't
change anything from one thing to another just because the later is
"more modern"

Robert Ramey

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