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From: Robert Ramey (ramey_at_[hidden])
Date: 2024-10-07 16:19:07

On 10/7/24 6:15 AM, Rainer Deyke via Boost wrote:

> I approve of a hypothetical Boost 2.x without the obsolete libraries
> that can be used alongside Boost 1.x.

> approve of Boost 2.x using C++
> modules from the beginning.

Good luck with that.

> I approve of Boost 1.x continuing to get
> new releases, but gradually being replaced by Boost 2.x in new code.

I'm skeptical that one will be able to mix boost 2.x and boost 1.x and
still maintain some sort of coherence. I'll just wait and see.

So phrasing my original question in terms of the above: Boost
serialization library should be marked obsolete? Note that I'm not
advocating in favor or against this proposition. I'm just trying to
understand it.

And any library which uses an "obsolete" library would also be "obsolete".

Have I got this right?

Robert Ramey

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