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From: Kostas Savvidis (kotika98_at_[hidden])
Date: 2024-10-08 09:02:17

> On 7 Oct 2024, at 17:30, Mateusz Loskot via Boost <boost_at_[hidden]> wrote:
> Folks,
> On behalf of the Review Wizards Team, formal review of
> proposed Decimal library has now been scheduled:
> -

When this library was first revealed, I had expressed concerns about the very beginning of the documentation, the Motivation and Use Cases sections. Matt seemed to agree in part, but I see that not much has been changed there.

My suggestion to add some authoritative references was adopted, thats nice.
A function for rounding to a given number of decimal figures (i.e. cents/satoshis) is still absent.
The other thing still missing is usage examples in the domain where this library is actually meant
to be useful, financial calculations, and calculator/spreadsheets software. I am writing this in the hope that documentation will be improved even before the review starts.


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