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From: Peter Dimov (pdimov_at_[hidden])
Date: 2024-10-09 15:52:52

Richard wrote:
> In article <CAKEcVxX44muVWV_YWaXCxPjH-ouSjJkX7aNkRyeJ1-
> R1xpGi+Q_at_[hidden]> you write:
> >While doing all this I thought that most of this work can be useful to
> >other libraries. So, I moved the reusable parts into a separate
> >directory
> >(
> >and added both a b2 module, and a CMake module.
> This is a great idea, but the name 'pretty_printers' does not convey to me what
> is going on. (Naming things is hard.) How about 'gdb_printers'? It's only
> useful for gdb.

Or "gdb_support" if in the future it would include more than just printers.

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