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From: Marcelo Zimbres Silva (mzimbres_at_[hidden])
Date: 2024-10-25 15:11:00

On Fri, 25 Oct 2024 at 14:43, Julien Blanc via Boost <boost_at_[hidden]>
> I'm surprised that this remark did not raise more reaction. I'd like
> to put a very big +1 on what Christian said.

There is a strong precedent in Boost for first solving the IO problem and
then factoring out the protocol part. I know Vinnie is writing new http
libraries based on his experience with Beast, Boost.MySql has also been
refactored into sans-io components (if I understood Ruben correctly at
Slack, please correct me if I am wrong). In Boost.Redis you can also create
requests and parse RESP3 all without IO and Asio [1], only the multiplexing
part is still coupled to IO but even that I might factor out into a sans-io

If we all used OP criteria there would be no Boost.Beast, Boost.MySql and
Boost.Redis since none of them had a clear sans-io protocol component at
their submission.



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