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From: Christian Mazakas (christian.mazakas_at_[hidden])
Date: 2024-10-25 18:14:10

On Fri, Oct 25, 2024 at 8:41 AM Peter Dimov via Boost <boost_at_[hidden]>

> Assuming that your goal is to get a sans-io MQTT library in Boost, the
> question
> reduces to which path will be more likely to produce this outcome:

This really only happens when the author agrees it's worth doing and then
they actually do it. Even then, Marcelo has claimed only partial support.
HTTP/2 is a similarly multiplexed protocol. I'll agree that handling
multiplexing with a protocol library is non-trivial, but I think Botan's
shown that a callback-based approach for handling these kinds of things can
create a satisfactory API. Users feed in whatever data they have and if a
complete message for a stream comes in, you just invoke the user's callback.

I'm hesitant to change my vote to a conditional accept because I feel like
it implies some sort of a deadline/timeline.

I think if we know the ultimate form the library should take, it's better
to be patient and wait for that version than to accept-and-pray.

The sans-I/O form is worth another review, in my opinion, because adding
this makes it a new library, essentially. Plus, I'll actually try and use
it with my project Fiona, which stands for Fastest I/O in North America.

- Christian

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