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From: Klemens Morgenstern (klemensdavidmorgenstern_at_[hidden])
Date: 2024-10-30 08:45:51

On Wed, Oct 30, 2024 at 4:04 PM Thomas Fowlery
<thomas.fowlery.yes_at_[hidden]> wrote:
> I worry about the integrity of the Boost review process. The review manager and all the accepting reviewers were/are affiliated with the C++ Alliance.

That is incorrect, Marcelo is not and has never been associated with
the C++ Alliance. I would recommend getting facts like this correct
when discussing integrity.

> The review manager thanks these reviewers, but not the ones who rejected.

I thanked all the reviewers, but pointed out those who invested more
than 8h. The rejecting reviewers did not state how much time they
invested. I did state how much I appreciated Daryll's review and all
the detail he went into.

> The outcome of the review is presented as a foregone conclusion, with no analysis of the actual topics that have been discussed.

The outcome of the review is the conclusion of the review.

> The review manager does not state how the different reviews and issues have weighed in on his decision. There is at least one accepting review where the reviewer hasn't even built and ran a single example. Meanwhile, the two rejections (and some non-review comments) brought up major design questions which haven't been addressed by either the review manager or the author(s). These facts make the outcome way less clear, in my opinion.

That's a fair point, so let me add to this: The two rejections were
essentially based on the fact that async-mqtt5 is an asio-only library
and too high level. In either case the reviewers would want a
different kind of library than under review.
Four reviewers thought the basic idea of the library (a high level
client based on asio) was the right idea, so that's a 4:2 - I wouldn't
know how to weigh a basic preference like this.

Otherwise I put the most weight on Marcelo's & Ruben's reviews on the
Accept side, as they are authors of asio-based libraries, have
invested a fair amount of time & pointed out some significant details
(showing they really looked into it).
On the Reject side I weighted Daryll's review most highly, as he's
experience with both asio & mqtt and his review gave the impression
that he really looked deeply into the library.

I hope that helps to alleviate your worries.

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