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From: Tom Kent (lists_at_[hidden])
Date: 2024-11-09 04:02:00

Mostly looks good for Windows/Visual Studio. The one exception is that the
math library doesn't build under msvc-14.0, but this was warned ahead of
time. I guess it is time to drop support for that from the binaries, I
worry that there are still a lot of users there though.

toolset arch compile Link Execute
msvc-14.0 32 ERROR X X
msvc-14.0 64 ERROR X X
msvc-14.1 32 X X X
msvc-14.1 64 X X X
msvc-14.2 32 X X X
msvc-14.2 64 X X X
msvc-14.3 32 X X X
msvc-14.3 64 X X X

Compile means that the b2 command completed without errors
Link means that visual studio was able to link a sample executable to a
library (libboost_thread-vcXXX-mt[-gd]-1_XX.lib) generated
Execute means that the linked program executed without errors.

On Fri, Nov 8, 2024 at 5:50 PM Marshall Clow via Boost <
boost_at_[hidden]> wrote:

> RC1 had some build issues which have been corrected.
> Available at:
> The SHA256 checksums are as follows:
> d24c351fdeaeefa4f25ce5e9365e9d69b86d342570eaac649e3b12f244a6eef7
> boost_1_87_0_b1_rc2.7z
> 98090d258e1d50db30b549072a5db04210350fa7a5ede47d2c71a78af6724e55
> 85075e27e6f866cbe3a00f1d5a57e801ce313119dcfd8327babf554c84af9ec3
> boost_1_87_0_b1_rc2.tar.bz2
> 48e51ddfb67eace9181be87f2f25a06dace5e0eb4a84ab803ebfcd8d98e4aab1
> boost_1_87_0_b1_rc2.tar.gz
> As always, the release managers would appreciate it if you download the
> candidate of your choice and give building it a try. Please report both
> success and failure, and anything else that is noteworthy.
> -- The Release Managers
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