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From: Christopher Kormanyos (e_float_at_[hidden])
Date: 2025-01-22 21:49:42
> Does this library bring real benefit> to C++ developers for real world> use-case?
> Yes. It should be helpful in> "human-centric calculations".> It might be useful in financial> applications, although I have> some question about this below.
Thank you, Alan for your detailed,clear and rich review of thisdecimal implementation.
We read with great clarity allof the excellent points you make,stretching from compile-time,then on to efficiency andto granularity of the library(or lack thereof).
> My biggest point of disagreement is> this single-header design.Â
Which is one thing I kind oflike about it
All of the points you mention could,would or should be adressed ina potential evolution of Decimal.This might ultimately reachor influence standardization ofDecimal (if that were ever to be)in the sense of the languare Standard.
So you are not alone with yourconcerns.
We will follow these in evolution.
As it turns out, the last "number"that C++ specified was std::(u)int64_t,a full 12 years after C99 dit it.Hardly a rich numerical contribution.
It goes without saying thata real specification would addresseach, every and even moreof your/these concerns.
But we have something here.And we have a lot.
The proposed Boost.Decimalmovement drives this forward.
Our clients are using itvery happily and successfully even aswe write these notes.
We offer* Highly practical, usable today.* Portable to many compilers* Even suitable for embedded* Or suitable for GPU/FPGA research* Quality* Testing* Documented behavior* Standards-capable interfacing.
And this is really a lotfor a numerical type.
I'm not saying that Decimal shouldor would ever be specified in C++.Nor do I imply that that specificationwould or should stem from a Boostimplementation thereof. But wedo have an implementation.
And believe that your review pointsare well-received within this context.
- Chris
On Wednesday, January 22, 2025 at 09:21:10 PM GMT+1, Alan de Freitas via Boost <boost_at_[hidden]> wrote:
Boost.Decimal Review
I want to thank Matt Borland and Chris Kormanyos for their work.
> Does this library bring real benefit to C++ developers for real world
Yes. It should be helpful in "human-centric calculations". It might be
useful in financial applications, although I have some question about this
> Do you have an application for this library?
Not at the moment.
> Does the API match with current best practices?
My biggest point of disagreement is this single-header design. The
documentation says "The entire library should be accessed using the
convenience header `<boost/decimal.hpp>`": Although providing a single
header *as an extra option* is common practice for Boost libraries, I don't
think it should be a *recommendation* (with the word "should") let alone
enforced as the only way to consume the library. The rest of the
documentation always assumes the user will include `<boost/decimal.hpp>`.
- The sections "cmath support", "cstdlib support", "format support", and so
on..., don't even tell me what header I need to only include that
- The documentation implies `<boost/decimal.hpp>` includes way more than
anyone needs because even the C++ standard library splits that
functionality into different headers while Boost.Decimal doesn't.
`<boost/decimal.hpp>` is forcing users to unnecessarily include a big chunk
of the standard library. And this functionality is so diverse that's very
unlikely the user really wants to use even 10% of what's being included.
- A single-header design is not a way "to make things just work with no
effort on the user's part" because it forces the user to use the library
this way, not simply allowing them to do so like all other boost libraries.
- If a potential user says, "X seconds of compile time is a problem," it's
unhelpful to reply with something like "I don't think X seconds of compile
time is not a problem *for you*." Especially when you consider that it
could be 3 seconds per translation unit.Most recent libraries are making an
effort to reduce compile times by breaking up the headers *and* avoiding
header-only libraries. This is a big complaint people have about Boost. The
library is already header-only and making no effort to break up the headers
makes no sense to me.
- Telling the user to rely on macros to disable optional functionality
doesn't sound good either, because now users have to blacklist rather than
whitelist what they want. Blacklisting what you don't want with macros is a
huge workaround. It involves a new convention and blacklisting to solve a
design problem that has already been solved.
- Implying this design matches the C++ standard library is also
unreasonable because it brings in many different headers from the standard
library. What would match the STL interface, almost by definition, is one
header for cmath support, one header for cstdlib support, one header for
charconv support... Even the documentation is structured by the different
standard library headers it replicates the functionality for.
A minor point:
- The public API probably shouldn't return `detail::uint128`. It can't be
considered an implementation detail if the user can be passing it around.
It could be a "see-below" type, where the user should ignore information
about the members but can still use.
> Is the documentation helpful and clear?
Yes. The main point I'd like to discuss is in terms of explaining the
trade-offs. The documentation says "Decimal floating point numbers avoid
this issue by storing the significand in base-10 (decimal)." and the
"issue" mentioned in the previous sentence is "representation errors". This
seems misleading. It makes it sound like `decimalX` it's a variant of a
bigint type and that attempts to avoid all representation errors. But if I
understand correctly, decimal numbers avoid much more specific types of
errors: representation errors when the base is not a multiple of a prime
factor. It has the same representation errors as base-2 floating point
numbers when 1) the base is not a multiple of a prime factor (although
there are more multiples of prime factors) and 2) there are more and more
rounding errors in the value as the exponent gets larger and larger. So the
final trade-off is *less* representation errors (because there are more
multiples of prime factors) at the cost of performance ("ratio to double"
between ~30 and ~150 for most operations). It might be wrong about these
details, but I still believe that sentence in the documentation is
There's also a technical question I still don't understand about 1) the
relationship between decimal numbers and fixed-point real numbers and 2)
the impact of this relationship on potential applications. For instance,
Bitcoin uses integers (Satoshis) to represent "decimal" units of BTC. This
representation is just an integer and a fixed/implicit scaling
factor/exponent. The same representation can be used for dollars: the
internal units are cents and the main unit is a dollar. When we compare
that with decimal floating point numbers, the trade-off becomes 1) faster
operations (even faster than native base-2 floating point types) and 2) no
precision errors up / exact accurary for numbers in the predefined scale,
and 3) reliable precision regardless of the best exponent to represent the
number; at the cost of a more limited range of values that can be
With that trade-off in mind, my intuition is decimal floating point numbers
are not so useful for financial applications (the only application
discussed in the "Examples" section). With 32-bit fixed-point numbers, I
could represent more dollars (or cents) or BTC (or satoshis) than will ever
exist (the limited range of values is not a problem) while getting the
performance and precision benefits of integers. If the number is larger
than that maximum, that means either I made a mistake (for instance, in
currency conversion) and I should definitly fix this mistake (I can't lose
$1000000 and ignore it because my best exponent is now Y for some reason -
$1000000 is still a lot and I can't move on until this "precision error" is
fixed). If this is not a mistake, then I'm in a subdomain where the
precision errors don't matter anymore because I need those large exponents
to represent something else. The problem is the extra precision from more
multiples of prime factors are now not as relevant to me and base-2 numbers
are probably fine (for instance, in some statistics about the data).
I might be wrong about all of that, but if that's the case I assume other
people will also be wrong about it. The docs could correct these mistakes
or, if I'm wrong, provide other examples of useful applications. That's why
I think the main application of the library is "human-centric calculations"
and it's only useful in other fields when there's some intersection with
that, like there is when reading data in base-10 format that might not fit
a fixed-point representation. This discussion could also open possibilities
for representations using integers in this library or other libraries in
the sense that base-10 floating-point is, in a way, fixed-point numbers of
a dynamic exponent.
Other minor points:
- It seems like most code blocks start with some whitespaces in the first
line for some reason.
- Constructing a decimal from floating point numbers leads to precision
errors, and constructing it from independent integers makes it difficult to
read. Since we construct it from strings (Literals Support), this could be
listed in "Basic Usage". I couldn't figure out the functions to construct
these values from literals without using the literals in the "Literals
Support" section.
- The signatures could contain the explicit requires clauses and concepts
instead of "Where types `T` and `T2` are integral types" in the exposition.
- "Lastly the sign follows the convention of `signbit`": This could be
linked to
or removed from the beginning of the exposition. The reader might think it
is important information to understand the rest of the exposition and stop
reading the documentation to google it. Also, `bool sign` only needs to be
explained so much because it's unintuitive. If it were called `bool
is_negative`, or something like that, there would be nothing to explain.
- The "3.2.8 Note" could just be part of the reference documentation. This
way the user would already have this information when looking at the
function. It would also be useful to explain how that behavior compares
with other numeric types.
- Typo in "Integeral"
- I missed some better explanation about the difference between fast and
regular types. Like in Boost.Unordered where they explain the data
structures and then the trade-off.
- I'm used to the API reference being at the end of the documentation. I
was surprised to see there's a lot of exposition after the reference:
Examples, Benchmarks, "Design Decisions", ...
- "Comparisons" section: "between vec[i] and vec[i + 1]": where the numbers
come from in the implementation is irrelevant. Only the number of
replicates (20,000,000) is relevant. "This is repeated 5 times to generate
stable results" doesn't add entropy to help stability. It just means you
have 100,000,000 replicates with a bias. You could just generate
100,000,000 values. It's also not relevant to the experiment that the
values are in a vector. In fact, unless there's a technical reason for
that, generating the numbers for the tests and discarding them is much
easier. In any case, 100,000,000 is way too much for any probability
distribution. After much less than that you'll have a stable p-value.
- Comparison results: The tables need some explaining so the reader doesn't
have to look at each column and header to infer what's happening. It's
usual to include something like "The second column means ____. Lower values
are better.". It's also common practice to include the standard deviation
in the table.
- The tables are not sorted by the values. This is particularly confusing
because `GCC _Decimal<X>` always beats `decimal32`. This is not discussed
in the document. `GCC_Decimal<X>` isn't even defined and discussed.
- There should be a conclusion about the benchmark results. Did anything
change from one platform to the other, etc? If I read the results
correctly, the conclusion is I should always use `decimalX_fast`, then
`GCC_DecimalX` if I need other properties, then `decimalX` if not using GCC.
- If section "Basic Operations" is about "+, -, *, /", then the first
comparison subsection "Comparisons" should be renamed to reflect what
operations it compares ">, >=, <, <=, ==, and !=" (relational operators).
- Both columns in the table have the same information in a different scale
proportion. This means all benchmarks for a platform could be in a single
bar plot where the x-axis has each number type, and for each number type,
we have the ratio to double for each operation in a bar.
> Did you try to use it? What problems or surprises did you encounter?
Yes. I compiled the code and ran the examples.
> What is your evaluation of the implementation?
It seems like performance is still much worse than other implentations. I
don't think this is a reason to reject the library. Just I hope the authors
would keep an eye on that, implementing improvements over time, if
possible. Or maybe some other native types or implementations could be
wrapped in the library.
> Please explicitly state that you either *accept* or *reject* the
inclusion of this library into boost.
I recommend accepting the library.
> Also please indicate the time & effort spent on the evaluation and give
the reasons for your decision.
I read the documentation and the source code. I compiled the library and
ran the examples.
I spent time on and off over the last week. In total, I spent about 2 days
evaluating the library.
> Disclaimer
I'm affiliated with the C++ Alliance.
Em qua., 15 de jan. de 2025 Ã s 06:34, John Maddock via Boost <
boost_at_[hidden]> escreveu:
> The review of the proposed Decimal Number library by Matt Borland and
> Chris Kormanyos begins today and runs until 22nd Jan.
> You will find documentation here:
> https://cppalliance.org/decimal/decimal.html
> And the code repository is here: https://github.com/cppalliance/decimal/
> Boost.Decimal is an implementation of IEEE 754
> <https://standards.ieee.org/ieee/754/6210/> and ISO/IEC DTR 24733
> <https://www.open-std.org/JTC1/SC22/WG21/docs/papers/2009/n2849.pdf>
> Decimal Floating Point numbers. The library is header-only, has no
> dependencies, and requires C++14.
> Please provide feedback on the following general topics:
> - What is your evaluation of the design?
> - What is your evaluation of the implementation?
> - What is your evaluation of the documentation?
> - What is your evaluation of the potential usefulness
> of the library? Do you already use it in industry?
> - Did you try to use the library? With which compiler(s)? Did
> you have any problems?
> - How much effort did you put into your evaluation?
> A glance? A quick reading? In-depth study?
> - Are you knowledgeable about the problem domain?
> Ensure to explicitly include with your review: ACCEPT, REJECT, or
> CONDITIONAL ACCEPT (with acceptance conditions).header-only, has no
> dependencies, and requires C++14.
> Best, John Maddock (review manager).
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-- Alan Freitas https://alandefreitas.github.io/alandefreitas/ <https://github.com/alandefreitas> _______________________________________________ Unsubscribe & other changes: http://lists.boost.org/mailman/listinfo.cgi/boost
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