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From: Andrey Semashev (andrey.semashev_at_[hidden])
Date: 2025-01-29 11:42:05

On 1/29/25 10:29, Robert Beeston via Boost wrote:
> Hello everyone,
> My name is Rob Beeston, and I’m the Product and Creative Director for C++
> Alliance.
> I’m currently making arrangements for the upcoming WG21 event, and could
> use some help from some of the authors.
> We will be making posters, similar to this mockup (
> to highlight the
> following libraries at the event:
> Hash2
> Math
> Parser
> Scope
> Unordered
> Each poster would need a brief description, a longer explanation (perhaps
> 1-2 short paragraphs of what it does and/or how it works) and a code
> snippet that would best represent how to use it.

For Boost.Scope, I think, it is covered on the documentation front page,
isn't it?

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