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From: Stephan T. Lavavej (stl_at_[hidden])
Date: 2025-01-29 20:40:12

[Ruben Perez]
> As you may know, I wrote a prototype to enable consuming Boost as
> C++20 modules (i.e. import some weeks ago. After some
> rounds of helpful feedback from maintainers (specially from Peter
> Dimov), we've decided to temporarily halt the work until the module
> ecosystem becomes more stable. I plan to revisit this prototype once
> CMake's support for "import std" becomes stable, and MSVC fixes the
> bugs I reported.

This is awesome - thank you for trying out modules and reporting compiler bugs! This is exactly what's necessary to help modules become usable by larger and larger audiences.

I've pinged our modules compiler dev about the second bug that's still active (the first is marked "fixed pending release").


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