- array - STL compliant container wrapper for arrays of constant size, from Nicolai Josuttis.
- graph - Generic graph components and algorithms, from Jeremy Siek and a University of Notre Dame team.
graph - Generic graph components and algorithms, from Jeremy Siek and a University of Notre Dame team. utility - next and prior function templates, from Dave Abrahams.Iterators
- iterator adaptors - Adapt a base type into a standard conforming iterator, and more, from Dave Abrahams, Jeremy Siek, and John Potter.
- operators - Templates ease arithmetic classes and iterators, from Dave Abrahams and Jeremy Siek.
- graph - Generic graph components and algorithms, from Jeremy Siek and a University of Notre Dame team.
- tokenizer - Break of a string or other character sequence into a series of tokens, from John Bandela..
Function objects
- functional - Enhanced function object adaptors, from Mark Rodgers.
- compose - Functional composition adapters for the STL, from Nicolai Josuttis.
- bind