Yes, I am using MSVC - I guess that would be an important piece of information to include. Are there any slick tricks here, or do I have to actually make a call to the template function at some point other than for_each?
-----Original Message-----
From: Gennadiy E. Rozental []
Sent: Monday, October 22, 2001 11:22 AM
Subject: [boost] Re: bind, template functions, and the linker
What compiler ar you using? If it MSVC it's appears to be known issue
and usin gtemporary could help.
--- In boost@y..., brownell@a... wrote:
> I don't think this is a problem with bind, but more of a C++ issue,
> so my apologies if this is a bit off topic. I am passing a
> function to bind, and the resulting "bound" function is used as the
> UnaryFunction in std::for_each. When I compile this application,
> everything works as expected, but when the linker does its thing,
> can't find the template function. If I make a dummy call to the
> template function, the function code is created and the linker is
> happy. Is there a way I can make this all work without the dummy
> call to the template function? I have a code example illustrating
> the problem below.
> Thanks in advance for your help!
> Dave
> #include<vector>
> #include<algorithm>
> #include "boost\bind.hpp"
> template<class T>
> bool TemplateFunction(T &t)
> {
> t = 2;
> return(true);
> }
> int main(void)
> {
> std::vector<unsigned long> v;
> v.resize(10);
> //If this code segment is commented, it will not link.
> // to resolve the link error
> /*{
> unsigned long ulTemp;
> TemplateFunction(ulTemp);
> }*/
bool (*temp)( unsigned long& ) = &TemplateFunction<unsigned long>;
std::for_each(v.begin(), v.end(), boost::bind(temp, _1));
> }
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