> All what u said is good. What about if I want to store a huge number
> records in a file? Is it possible to retrieve data quickly based on
> certain creteria? What r the limitation of data stored and
Efficient processing of huge amount of data located on the
disk is not our
current goal.
We target applications that process small
amount of data that all can fit
into RAM.
We believe for such applications
SQL/ODBC is not the best choice.
As far as limitations are conserned,
there are two kinds of those:
1) The number of records has the same
limitation as the number of elements
in std::vector;
2) The number of
fields in a tuple is limited by the compiler's ability to
process recursive
All our tests so far were done using very small amounts of
data -- we did
not do any stress testing.
At this point we are just trying
to propose the concept.