It is clear to me that we must avoid inducing multiple inheritance for the common uses of operators.hpp. Many common compilers will use the empty base optimization for single inheritance, but as we've seen the problem is a bit tougher when MI is involved. The only obvious solution, IMO, is to do something which allows the following (which will cause a chain of single inheritance):
template <class T,
class V,
class D = std::iterator_traits<char*>::difference_type,
class P = V*,
class R = V&>
struct bidirectional_iterator_helper :
std::iterator<std::bidirectional_iterator_tag, V, D>
{ };
I think one upshot of this technique, though, is that the use of partial specialization for 2-type versions of some operator templates, such as equality_comparable, must finally die (or at least lose backward compatibility) in favor of the versions with "2" at the end of the name. I don't see any way around this. If you do, please speak up!
The reason is that the common, single-argument usage needs to be augmented with a 2nd type argument which allows the base-class chaining shown above (and defaults to some empty class). Thus, we can no longer use it for the optional 2nd type for binary operations.