boost python vs. 2.0  (boost 1_29_0):
msvc++ 6.0
compile problems
i am having a problem compiling any statement containing a call policy.
in particular in the reference manual there is the following example:
#include <boost/python/module.hpp>
#include <boost/python/class.hpp>
#include <boost/python/reference_existing_object.hpp>
#include <boost/python/return_value_policy.hpp>
#include <utility>

// classes to wrap
struct Singleton
   Singleton() : x(0) {}
   int exchange(int n)  // set x and return the old value
        std::swap(n, x);
        return n;
   int x;

Singleton& get_it()
   static Singleton just_one;
   return just_one;
// Wrapper code
using namespace boost::python;
    def("get_it", get_it, reference_existing_object());  
       .def("exchange", &Singleton::exchange)
The line   
     def("get_it", get_it, reference_existing_object()); 
results in the following compiler errors (comment it out and everything compiles)
c:\projects\components\boost\boost\python\detail\returning.hpp(102) : error C2039: 'result_converter' : is not a member of 'reference_existing_object'
        c:\projects\components\boost\boost\python\reference_existing_object.hpp(28) : see declaration of 'reference_existing_object'
        c:\projects\components\boost\boost\python\detail\caller.hpp(71) : see reference to function template instantiation 'struct _object *__cdecl boost::python::detail::returning<struct Singleton &>::call(struct Singleton &(__cdecl *)(void),struct
 _object *,struct _object *,const struct boost::python::reference_existing_object *)' being compiled
c:\projects\components\boost\boost\python\detail\returning.hpp(102) : error C2146: syntax error : missing ';' before identifier 'result_converter'
        c:\projects\components\boost\boost\python\detail\caller.hpp(71) : see reference to function template instantiation 'struct _object *__cdecl boost::python::detail::returning<struct Singleton &>::call(struct Singleton &(__cdecl *)(void),struct
 _object *,struct _object *,const struct boost::python::reference_existing_object *)' being compiled
c:\projects\components\boost\boost\python\detail\returning.hpp(102) : warning C4091: '' : ignored on left of 'int' when no variable is declared
        c:\projects\components\boost\boost\python\detail\caller.hpp(71) : see reference to function template instantiation 'struct _object *__cdecl boost::python::detail::returning<struct Singleton &>::call(struct Singleton &(__cdecl *)(void),struct
 _object *,struct _object *,const struct boost::python::reference_existing_object *)' being compiled
and a bunch more.
I cannot use jam to build my extensions so i am just using visual studio (i have done this successfully in the pass with pre 2.0 versions).
I assume i am missing a #define or something dumb.  if there is an faq or something i should be looking at just direct me there.
thanks in advance
alan scales