C++ Boost

Boost Date-Time Change History


Overall Index

Changes from Boost 1.29 to 1.30 (date_time 1.00 to 1.01)

Notice: The interface to the partial_date class (see date_algorithms) was changed. The order of construction parameters was changed which will cause some code to fail execution. This change was made to facilitate more generic local time adjustment code. Thus instead of specifying partial_date pd(Dec,25) the code needs to be changed to partial_date pd(25, Dec);

Feature Added new experimental feature for Daylight Savings Time calculations. This allows traits based specification of dst rules.
Feature Added new interfaces to calculate julian day and modified julian day to the gregorian date class. See boost::gregorian::date.
Feature Add new interface to calculate iso 8601 week number for a date. See boost::gregorian::date.
Feature Add an iso 8601 time date-time format (eg: YYYYMMDDTHHHMMSS) parsing function. See Class ptime for more information.
Feature Added a length function to the period template so that both date_periods and time_periods will now support this function.
Bug Fix Split Jamfiles so that libs/date_time/build/Jamfile only builds library and /libs/date_time/libs/test/Jamfile which runs tests.
Bug Fix Fixed many minor documentation issues.
Bug Fix Removed the DATE_TIME_INLINE macro which was causing link errors. This macro is no longer needed in projects using the library.
Bug Fix Added missing typedef for year_iterator to gregorian_types.hpp
Bug Fix Fixed problem with gregorian ostream operators that prevented the use of wide streams.
Bug Fix Tighten error handling for dates so that date(2002, 2, 29) will throw a bad_day_of_month exception. Previously the date would be incorrectly constructed. Reported by sourceforge bug: 628054 among others.

Last modified: Sun Feb 9 10:41:53 MST 2003 by Jeff Garland © 2000-2002