(sorry for the prev. message without
Have anyone used StackTraces utility on
borland 6.0. I'm tring to use it and also tring to understand. At last i could
compile the project but;
* a deadlock occured, the program
then i changed a line in
the code (stacktrace_win32.hpp)
* deadlock solved , but an access
violation occured at;
dbghelp.SymGetSymFromAddr() <---
i thougt the
SymGetSymFromAddr identifier not initialized (i couldn't found a code for this)
and then a small intervention. i initialized the SymGetSymFromAddr
variable in dbghelp_dll class. AV solved.
* but the result is a piece of
Walking the
stack, Thread implementation:
0x77f94091 Unknown
(0x77f80000) 1:0x00013091 NtWaitForSingleObject
0x00000012 Unknown (0x00000000)
0x00000012 Unknown
(0x00000000) 0:0x00000000
but i called walk_stack from Button1Click()
anyway is there any body used this
successfully on borland 6.0 Win2000 .
thanks for help.
P.S. : i have not forgot to use map2dbg
P.S. : The errors ;
Boost.StackWalk: Win32
error `The specified procedure could not be found.' from `GetProcAddress
(looking up `SymFromAddr')'
Boost.StackWalk: Win32 error `The specified
procedure could not be found.' from `GetProcAddress (looking up
Walking the stack, Thread
Boost.StackWalk: Win32 error `Only part of a
ReadProcessMemory or WriteProcessMemory request was completed.' from
`ReadProcessMemory (0x000000000000f5dc)'
Boost.StackWalk: Win32 error `Only
part of a ReadProcessMemory or WriteProcessMemory request was completed.' from
`ReadProcessMemory (0x000000000000f5e0)'
Boost.StackWalk: Win32 error `Only
part of a ReadProcessMemory or WriteProcessMemory request was completed.' from
`ReadProcessMemory (0x000000000000f5dc)'
Boost.StackWalk: Win32 error `Only
part of a ReadProcessMemory or WriteProcessMemory request was completed.' from
`ReadProcessMemory (0x000000000000f5dc)'
Boost.StackWalk: Win32 error `Only
part of a ReadProcessMemory or WriteProcessMemory request was completed.' from
`ReadProcessMemory (0x000000000000f5e0)'
Boost.StackWalk: Win32 error
`Attempt to access invalid address.' from `SymGetLineFromAddr
Boost.StackWalk: Win32 error `The specified module could not be
found.' from `SymGetModuleInfo (0x00000012)'
Boost.StackWalk: Win32 error
`The specified module could not be found.' from `SymGetLineFromAddr
Boost.StackWalk: Win32 error `The specified module could not be
found.' from `SymGetSymFromAddr (from within alternate SymFromAddr (0x00000012)
Boost.StackWalk: Win32 error `Access is denied.' from `SymFromAddr
Boost.StackWalk: Win32 error `The specified module could not be
found.' from `SymGetModuleInfo (0x00000012)'
Boost.StackWalk: Win32 error
`The specified module could not be found.' from `SymGetLineFromAddr
Boost.StackWalk: Win32 error `The specified module could not be
found.' from `SymGetSymFromAddr (from within alternate SymFromAddr (0x00000012)
Boost.StackWalk: Win32 error `Access is denied.' from `SymFromAddr
0x7c4ea4e1 Unknown (0x7c4e0000)
1:0x000094e1 RaiseException
0x00000012 Unknown (0x00000000)
0x00000012 Unknown (0x00000000)
Eyyub Volkan Çektimur
Software & Trade Inc.
Head of Core Development