typedef dbContainer< // SQLite does not need any user/pw infos dbDatabase ( "Company.db" ) , dbTable ( "Ware" ), // using table Ware dbRow < //defining the field of a row db3Values < dbInt < "id" , dbFieldOptions< dbPrimaryKey , dbAutoIncrement > >, dbText < "name" > , dbFloat < "price" > > > , // end fields of a row definition dbBackend < dbSQLite > // use the SQLite Backend > WareTable; typedef WareTable::row_type WT_Row; WareTable wt_test; wt_test.connect(); wt_test.insert(WT_Row(dbNULLType, "Apple" , "3.33" )); wt_test.insert(WT_Row(dbNULLType, "Orange" , "2.13" )); wt_test.insert(WT_Row(dbNULLType, "Peach" , "4.57" )); wt_test.insert(WT_Row(dbNULLType, "Plum" , "7.49" )); dbResIterator results = wt_test.lookup(dbText<"name","Plum">); while(results){ while(results.columns) std::cout << *(results.columns++) << std::endl; ++results; }