Re: [Boost-docs] [scope exit] Documentation

Subject: Re: [Boost-docs] [scope exit] Documentation
From: Daniel James (daniel_james_at_[hidden])
Date: 2009-01-28 09:02:42

2009/1/27 Daniel James <daniel_james_at_[hidden]>:
> You've added the documentation to 'doc/Jamfile.v2' - but this won't
> build the html documentation, to include it in the combined
> documentation it needs to be added to 'doc/src/boost.xml' and some
> modifications need to be made to your Jamfile. And a few other things
> need to be done.

I've attached a patch which fixes a lot of links, adds a forwarding
html page so that 'libs/scope_exit/index.html' will redirect to the
correct place, and adds some parameters to the documentation build so
that it links correctly to files in boost. Note that quickbook links
need to be relative to the html directory that they're built to.

I've also removed scope_exit from the doc Jamfile. There are two ways
of dealing with quickbook/boostbook documentation in boost - you can
either add it to the combined documentation in the
'$BOOST_ROOT/doc/html' so that it gets built as part of the release
process (the typeof documentation is an example of this), or build it
as standalone document and check in the generated documentation
yourself into 'libs/scope_exit/doc/html'. I think you'd based your
documentation on libraries which do it both ways so it wasn't clear
which you were trying to do. Since you've generally linked to
'libs/scope_exit/doc/html/index.html' I assume you want to build
standalone documentation so I went with that method. So as well as
this patch, the documentation needs to built and checked in.


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