Re: [Boost-docs] [docbook->html] support for MathML

Subject: Re: [Boost-docs] [docbook->html] support for MathML
From: John Maddock (boost.regex_at_[hidden])
Date: 2011-10-20 10:56:46

>I've just implemented support for LaTeX
>using MathJax. The next step is to support
>MathML as well. This would mainly be used by
>the Math library. I'm running into more
>problems with this however:

>* How should the MathML be represented in
> the DocBook file?

>Based on what Boost.Math does for the PNG
>and SVG versions, I tried
><imageobject role="mml">
> <imagedata fileref="..."/>
>This doesn't really work very well.

No, shouldn't we be doing it like this:



The <mml:math> block would of course be replaced by an <xi:include> that
includes the mml file.

But there are some problems - the existing .mml files are actually html
files (because that's what the GUI I used to create them insisted on
creating), so amoungst other things there's no namespace on the mml elements
and there's also a <html> wrapper around it all - it should be pretty easy
to write a script to convert them all on mass though (in fact I *almost*
have such a beast already). We would also need to use the MathML "enhanced"
version of the Docbook DTD: and change
all our docbook headers to point to this :-(

Possibly we could include the extensions in our customisation layer or
directly in the document as well: but this would need some kind
of XSL param to turn it on just for specific documents?

Certainly this feels like the "right" way to do this - if the Docbook side
of things can be made to work?

HTH, John.

PS Not sure why but I always have trouble reading your emails Steven - they
appear with the content as an attachment which is a real PITA to read - I
don't have the same issues with anyone else's posts to the list BTW - some
mail setting at your end maybe?

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