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Glas :Re: [glas] (no subject) |
From: Laurent Plagne (plagne.laurent_at_[hidden])
Date: 2005-10-14 02:14:49
Hi all,
I dont know if "nested matrices" is a clever way or not but this is the
way we designed our LA library applied to deterministic transport codes.
Anyway, our point is that we have to deal with complex matrix
structures. Symbolically, we have deal with objects like
DenseMatrix< DiagonalMatrix< UpperTriangularMatrix < double > > > >
In this respect the block view seemed a bit restrictive.
A summer school is being organized by EDF/CEA/INRIA next summer in
France. In addition to main lectures, we are looking for presentations
on related topics.
I think that it would be very interesting to have a presentation of GLAS
as well as related libraries (uBLAS,MTL,...).
Any volunteer or suggested speakers ? (for financial consideration, a
European speaker would more easy to manage...).
Laurent Plagne
Wolfgang Bangerth a écrit :
>In reply to an already several days old message:
>>I recall a demand for supporting vectors of matrices and matrices of
>>matrices. My opinion is that this should be another type of collection
>>where the value_type is still the value_type of the lowest level of
>>matrix in the nesting of matrices.
>There is definitely a demand for something like this, though I wouldn't
>suggest that implementing them as matrices of matrices is a particularly
>clever way to go.
>The application where this is important is when one can split a matrix
>into blocks. Typical applications are discretizations of vector-valued
>partial differential equations (think: mixed methods, saddle point
>problems) where instead of solving with a matrix directly, one would like
>to form Schur complements of its blocks. The right abstraction therefore
>is to consider the whole matrix as an array of submatrices (blocks).
>The way we implement this in deal.II (and I believe this is the correct
>way) is indeed as an array of matrices. One can access individual blocks,
>but if you try to access individual elements of the matrix, one gets a
>reference to the corresponding element in the block in which it resides.
>The BlockMatrix class therefore has a dual interface: access the blocks of
>the array through
> Matrix & block (const unsigned int block_i, const unsigned int block_j)
>and access the elements of the matrix through something like
> reference operator() (const unsigned int i, const unsigned int j) {
> return blocks[block_from_global(i)][block_from_global(j)]
> ->operator() (local_from_global(i), local_from_global(j));
> }
>Through the second interface, one can hide the actual storage scheme from
>algorithms that only expect a matrix, while the first interface allows to
>extract and operate on individual blocks.
>If, on the contrary, this would be implemented as matrices-of-matrices,
>then one would only have the first interface, but algorithms that just
>expect a transparent matrix object won't work because your operator()
>doesn't return individual entries of the matrix, but an entire block.
>For an example of an implementation of such concepts, feel free to take a
>look at
> http://www.dealii.org/5.2.0/doxygen/lac/classBlockSparseMatrix.html
> Wolfgang
>Wolfgang Bangerth email: bangerth_at_[hidden]
> www: http://www.math.tamu.edu/~bangerth/
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