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Glas :[glas] Novel Data Formats and Algorithms, Umea, Sweden June 18-21 2006 |
From: Jerzy Wasniewski (jw_at_[hidden])
Date: 2006-01-11 04:37:14
Minisymposium on
Novel Data Formats and Algorithms
for Dense Linear Algebra Computations
Abstract: Recently, recursion was introduced into the area of Dense Linear
Algebra with the intent of producing new algorithms as well as improving
its existing algorithms. Recursion, via the divide-and-conquer paradigm,
introduced variable blocking to complement the standard fixed block
algorithms. In particular, new data structures for dense linear algebra
became an active research area. This Mini-Symposium will focus on both new
data structures and/or new or existing algorithms for high performing
dense linear algebra algorithms.
To be held at the
Umea, Sweden June 18-21 2006
A limited number of contributed, 20 minute talks will be selected for this
minisymposium. An extended abstract consisting of a pdf-file of at most 4
pages (including references) formatted according to the LNCS rules should
be sent before February 15, 2006. Notice that the extended abstract should
be formatted as a regular paper and also include a short abstract of at
most 150 words. The short abstract must also be submitted as plain text
(allowing necessary LaTeX symbols). The acceptance of the extended
abstract will be send no later than March 15, 2006.
Extended abstracts of accepted submissions will be provided electronically
and a booklet of the short abstracts will be handed out at PARA'06.
After the workshop, full original papers of at most 10 pages will be
reviewed for publication in the workshop proceedings to be published in
the Springer series Lecture Notes in Computer Science (LNCS). The full
papers, formatted according to the rules of the LNCS, should be submitted
by September 15, 2006. Additional information will be provided in due
Summary, Important Dates and Notes:
February 15, 2006 -- Extended abstracts
March 15, 2006 -- Acceptance for the presentation
June 18-21, 2006 -- The conference
September 15, 2006 -- Camera ready papers
For more information related to PARA 2006 Conference, including the
payments, registration, hotel reservation etc., please visit the PARA'06
website http://www.hpc2n.umu.se/para06/
The minisymposium organizers:
Fred Gustavson Jerzy Wasniewski
IBM Research Center and Technical University of of Denmark
Numerical Analysis Group Informatics & Mathematical Modeling
Yorktown Height, NJ, USA Lyngby, Copenhagen, Denmark
email: fg2_at_[hidden] email: jw_at_[hidden]