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Glas :Re: [glas] multi-dimensional arrays? |
From: Peter Gottschling (pgottsch_at_[hidden])
Date: 2006-12-18 09:28:48
Hi Laurent,
Concerning nested matrix and vector types, we need to ask ourselves
first if we need special algorithms to handle it or if a least in some
cases the operators on the values already use the right algorithm.
Second, is the use of operators efficient enough performance-wise? In
a matrix multiplication c(i, k)+= a(i, j) * b(j, k) is correct for any
type with consistent operators but not very efficient if a, b, and c
are matrices. Unless we have really sophisticated expression templates.
Next question, do we need special concepts? Say e.g.
RecursiveTransposable for a recursive function transpose
How would it look like?
concept RecursiveTransposable<typename Matrix>
where RecursiveTransposable<Matrix::value_type>;
// ...
would recursively descent and break if it reaches a scalar value that
has no value_type.
Conversely, something like:
auto // ???
concept RecursiveTransposable<typename Matrix>
Matrix transpose(Matrix );
Now we say this is defined for arithmetic scalars
template<typename T>
where Arithmetic<T>
concept_map RecursiveTransposable<T> {}
And now enable it from bottom up:
template<typename T>
where RecursiveTransposable<T>
concept_map RecursiveTransposable<matrix<T> > {}
Extending this to block-matrices,
(A B)
(C D)
where A, B, C, and D are matrices of different type. Say we have a type
for heterogeneous blocks
template <typename MA, typename MB, typename MC, typename MD>
hb_matrix { ... };
We can define:
template <typename MA, typename MB, typename MC, typename MD>
where RecursiveTransposable<MA>
&& RecursiveTransposable<MB>
&& RecursiveTransposable<MC>
&& RecursiveTransposable<MD>
concept_map RecursiveTransposable<hb_matrix<MA, MB, MC, MD> > {}
However, this are only some preliminary thoughts. We need to look,
which algorithms we want to implement recursively. And it looks like
that there can be a great difference between a syntactically correct
implementation and a high-performance implementation.
On 15.12.2006, at 05:49, plagne.laurent_at_[hidden] wrote:
> Hi Karl,
> IMHO, the matrix< matrix<..> > can be more or less difficult to
> implement
> depending on the constraints you accept. As an example, if you decide
> that the
> library must remain open to third party codes and handle different
> kind of
> matrix data storage : this is pretty easy to do with simple matrix type
> (matrix<double>) because the return type of A(i,j) will be a simple
> ref to
> double (or const ref). In the 2D case, matrix< matrix<double> > A, the
> accessor
> operator A(i,j) will be naturally a ref to matrix<double>. And you
> loose the
> compatibility with third party data elements...
> One can avoid this problem but it is not a trivial issue.
> Another point in nested matrix issue is that it can help (again IMHO)
> to
> validate the very impressive work the GLAS team has done with vector
> space
> concepts (HI Peter). For example, the 0 and 1 matrix counter-part are
> to be
> efficiently treated.
> Last point is maybe not a so general issue : In my case, I have to
> handle sparse
> matrix with a complicated but highly structured sparsity pattern. This
> pattern
> can be express with a reduced set of simple sparsity patterns : e.g A
> =Dense<Sparse<Diagonal..> > > + Sparse<Tridiagonal<Dense<..> > >
> Best
> Laurent
>> I think this is an important point. Toon and I have thought about this
>> for a long time. We will certainly talk about this in detail.
>> Providing
>> the container matrix< matrix<T> > is not hard. I recall that
>> algorithms
>> are application/interpretation dependent, and we had a lively
>> discussion
>> on the list on this topic. So, I agree that 'some' support is needed,
>> although it is not yet clear to me what 'some' here means.
>> Best,
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Peter Gottschling, Ph.D.
Research Associate
Open Systems Laboratory
Indiana University
135 Lindley Hall
Bloomington, IN 47405
Tel.: +1-812-855-3608 Fax: +1-812-856-0853