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Re: [glas] Call for developers

From: Toon Knapen (toon.knapen_at_[hidden])
Date: 2007-06-01 16:00:16

Maybe an even better idea would be to look into 'concepts'. There is a
lot of discussion on this in the comp.std.c++ and
comp.lang.c++.moderated newsgroups (as they will be integrated in future
standards) and they are already integrated in concept-g++ of Doug
Gregor. On his website you can also find links to articles on concepts.


Ed Hill wrote:
> On Thu, 24 May 2007 10:20:04 +0200 Karl Meerbergen wrote:
>> I must admit I am disappointed that there was not a single reaction
>> on my last e-mail. If the document was too hard to read, please tell
>> me so that I can improve it.
> Hi Karl,
> I've been following the glas list (lurking). I'd like to contribute
> but have to admit I'm a little intimidated. My C++ skills are OK (have
> been using it on/off since the mid-90's) but cannot claim real
> familiarity/comfort with template meta-programming in general or the
> Boost MPL (and this seems to be a pre-requisite for GLAS).
> Can you or someone else please recommend some good background material
> and/or "warm-up exercises" for glas beginners?
> Ed
> ps - I have a copy of Barton & Nackman and will order Abrahams &
> Gurtovoy or other titles if its generally viewed as a good
> idea...
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