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Ublas :

From: Andreas Klöckner (kloeckner_at_[hidden])
Date: 2005-02-18 07:52:59

Hi there,

when trying to copy-construct a sparse matrix of complex<double> entries
from one of double entries (for example), the matrix assignment code
calls the assign functor, which is already set to a "complex = double"
assignment, with matrix_type::value_type(0) (which is complex<>) as the
second argument. Which fails.

The attached patch against Boost 1.32 fixes this.


Dipl.-Math. techn. Andreas Klöckner   | FON +49 721 608-7982
Institut für Angewandte Mathematik II | FAX +49 721 608-6679
Universität Karlsruhe                 | EMAIL kloeckner_at_[hidden]
Englerstraße 2                        |
76128 Karlsruhe                       | RAUM 022
Germany                               | Kollegiengebäude Mathematik