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Ublas : |
From: Simen Kvaal (simen.kvaal_at_[hidden])
Date: 2005-12-25 17:22:09
Thomas Helfer wrote:
> Hello list,
> This is a merely newbie question. I am trying to use lu-factorisation to
> solve a basic 3*3 linear equation. When compiling the following code I
> have this error :
> [ no matchin function call to project() error ]
You must #include <boost/numeric/ublas/vector_proxy.hpp> to provide these
A general tip in such cases, where there is no obvious way where the
undefined functions reside, is to look up in the online documentation via
the search function on the front page (I searched for "project vector",
for example):
Regards, and holiday greetings,
Simen Kvaal.
-- ---- Simen Kvaal -- Ph.D student --------+------------------------- Centre of Mathematics for Applications | cell: +47 90199552 Room 1039, N.H.Abel's House, UiO | office: +47 22855681 http://folk.uio.no/simenkva/ | simen.kvaal_at_[hidden]