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Ublas :

From: Gunter Winkler (guwi17_at_[hidden])
Date: 2006-11-15 04:00:26

On Tuesday 14 November 2006 17:52, Manoj Rajagopalan wrote:
> 1. Is there already a function in ublas that does something like this? I
> looked up the documentation and some of the ublas code but I couldn't
> locate anything but I feel such a requirement should be fairly common so
> I may have missed something.

I currently use this code:

namespace functor {

  template <class T>
  struct log
    typedef T value_type;
    typedef T result_type;
    result_type apply(const value_type& x)
      return std::log(x);


  template <class T>
  struct maximum
    typedef T value_type;
    typedef T result_type;
    result_type apply(const value_type& x, const value_type& y)
      return std::max(x, y);
    result_type initial_value()
      return (-std::numeric_limits<result_type>::max());
    void update(result_type& t, const value_type& x)
      if (x>t) t=x;

  template <class T>
  struct minimum
    typedef T value_type;
    typedef T result_type;
    result_type apply(const value_type& x, const value_type& y)
      return std::min(x, y);
    result_type initial_value()
      return (std::numeric_limits<result_type>::max());
    void update(result_type& t, const value_type& x)
      if (x<t) t=x;

  template <class T>
  struct log_minimum
    typedef T value_type;
    typedef T result_type;
    result_type initial_value()
      return std::log(std::numeric_limits<result_type>::max());
    void update(result_type& t, const value_type& x)
      if ( (x>0) && (std::log(x)<t) ) t = std::log(x);


  // //////////// general vector to scalar expression /////////

  // pitfalls:
  // the result is OP::initial_value() for "empty" sparse vectors,
  // zero elements that are not stored may be ignored
  template<class T, class OP>
  struct general_vector_scalar_unary:
    public vector_scalar_unary_functor<T> {
    typedef typename vector_scalar_unary_functor<T>::size_type size_type;
    typedef typename vector_scalar_unary_functor<T>::difference_type difference_type;
    typedef typename vector_scalar_unary_functor<T>::value_type value_type;
    typedef typename vector_scalar_unary_functor<T>::result_type result_type;

    // general case, access by index
    template<class E>
    result_type apply (const vector_expression<E> &e) {
      result_type t = OP::initial_value();
      size_type size (e ().size ());
      for (size_type i = 0; i < size; ++ i)
        OP::update(t, e () (i));
      return t;
    // Dense case
    template<class I>
    result_type apply (difference_type size, I it) {
      result_type t = OP::initial_value();
      while (-- size >= 0)
        OP::update(t, *it), ++ it;
      return t;
    // Sparse case
    template<class I>
    result_type apply (I it, const I &it_end) {
      result_type t = OP::initial_value();
      while (it != it_end)
        OP::update(t, *it), ++ it;
      return t;

  // max v = max (v [i], i=1..N)
  template<class E>
  typename vector_scalar_unary_traits<E, general_vector_scalar_unary<typename E::value_type, functor::maximum<typename E::value_type> > >::result_type
  max (const vector_expression<E> &e) {
    typedef typename vector_scalar_unary_traits<E, general_vector_scalar_unary<typename E::value_type, functor::maximum<typename E::value_type> > >::expression_type expression_type;
    return expression_type (e ());
  // min v = min (v [i], i=1..N)
  template<class E>
  typename vector_scalar_unary_traits<E, general_vector_scalar_unary<typename E::value_type, functor::minimum<typename E::value_type> > >::result_type
  min (const vector_expression<E> &e) {
    typedef typename vector_scalar_unary_traits<E, general_vector_scalar_unary<typename E::value_type, functor::minimum<typename E::value_type> > >::expression_type expression_type;
    return expression_type (e ());
  // log_min v = min ( log(v [i]), i=1..N if v[i]>0 )
  template<class E>
  typename vector_scalar_unary_traits<E, general_vector_scalar_unary<typename E::value_type, functor::log_minimum<typename E::value_type> > >::result_type
  log_min (const vector_expression<E> &e) {
    typedef typename vector_scalar_unary_traits<E, general_vector_scalar_unary<typename E::value_type, functor::log_minimum<typename E::value_type> > >::expression_type expression_type;
    return expression_type (e ());

  // //////////// general vector unary expression /////////////

  // (op v) [i] = op( v [i] )
  template<class OP, class E>
  typename vector_unary_traits<E, OP>::result_type
  apply_to_all (const vector_expression<E> &e, const OP& op = OP()) {
    typedef typename vector_unary_traits<E, OP>::expression_type expression_type;
    return expression_type (e ());


cout << apply_to_all<functor::log<double> >( pwc ) << endl;
