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Ublas :

From: Michael Stevens (mail_at_[hidden])
Date: 2006-11-30 12:40:58

> This change breaks some specializations of axpy_prod which use row_major
> and column_major instead of the generic basic_row_major<Z,D> and
> basic_column_major<Z,D>.
> (Z ... integral type: 0 <= z <= max, D ... integral type: -max <= d <= max)

In principle the axpy_prod could we used with any layout type. I would suggest
the following slightly simpler and more general fix.

    template<class V, class L, class T1, class IA1, class TA1, class E2>
    V &
    axpy_prod (const compressed_matrix<T1, L, 0, IA1, TA1> &e1,
               const vector_expression<E2> &e2,
               V &v, row_major_tag) {

> Similar changes should be made for each occurrence of
> row_major/column_major.



Michael Stevens Systems Engineering
34128 Kassel, Germany
Phone/Fax: +49 561 5218038
Navigation Systems, Estimation  and
                 Bayesian Filtering