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Subject: Re: [ublas] How to solve systems of linear equations?
From: Jörn Ungermann (j.ungermann_at_[hidden])
Date: 2010-03-10 03:10:13
Hi Rui,
uBLAS is intended to be a BLAS implementation, which does not offer much
with respect to equation solving. There is some code for LU
decomposition and there exists some code on the website below
implementing a Cholesky decomposition, but if your require good
performance, you should have a look at using bindings to bind ATLAS or
LAPACK and use their functions to operate efficiently on uBLAS matrices.
The link below gives some information:
I assume your matrices are dense, because otherwise a completely
different route should be taken.
> Message: 1
> Date: Tue, 9 Mar 2010 16:23:53 +0000
> From: Rui Maciel <rui.maciel_at_[hidden]>
> To: ublas_at_[hidden]
> Subject: [ublas] How to solve systems of linear equations?
> Message-ID: <201003091623.53729.rui.maciel_at_[hidden]>
> Content-Type: text/plain; charset="iso-8859-1"
> I've started using boost::ublas but unfortunately it has been a bumpy ride. I
> intend to use this library to solve systems of linear equations but it appears
> that there isn't any documentation on lu.hpp (that header is only mentioned in
> a test case) and google shows that the documentation doesn't even mention
> lu_factorize anywhere[?]. To make things a bit harder, the ublas code has
> practically zero comments.
> So, what am I missing? How is boost::ublas used to solve systems of linear
> equations?
> Thanks in advance,
> Rui Maciel
> [?]
> http://www.google.pt/search?q=site%3Ahttp%3A%2F%2Fwww.boost.org%2Fdoc%2Flibs%2F1_41_0%2Flibs%2F+lu_factorize
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> End of ublas Digest, Vol 64, Issue 7
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-- Jörn Ungermann Dipl.-Mathematiker Institut für Chemie und Dynamik der Geosphäre: Stratosphäre Forschungszentrum Jülich Telefon: +49 2461 61-1840 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Forschungszentrum Juelich GmbH 52425 Juelich Sitz der Gesellschaft: Juelich Eingetragen im Handelsregister des Amtsgerichts Dueren Nr. HR B 3498 Vorsitzende des Aufsichtsrats: MinDir'in Baerbel Brumme-Bothe Geschaeftsfuehrung: Prof. Dr. Achim Bachem (Vorsitzender), Dr. Ulrich Krafft (stellv. Vorsitzender), Prof. Dr.-Ing. Harald Bolt, Prof. Dr. Sebastian M. Schmidt ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------