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Subject: Re: [ublas] cublas bindings
From: Karl Rupp (rupp_at_[hidden])
Date: 2010-07-26 17:09:53
> Would this stuff help?
> http://developer.amd.com/gpu/acmlgpu/Pages/default.aspx
I'm certainly biased due to ViennaCL, but one should also consider that
having two different bindings for NVIDIA and AMD/ATI is probably not
worth the effort when the same effort is better spend in a single OpenCL
interface (which is at least partially available with ViennaCL).
Don't get my wrong, if somebody provides good bindings for NVIDIA and
AMD/ATI libraries, that would still be a nice thing. But unlike bindings
for host-based libraries like lapack, the additional memory allocation
and transfer thing adds a certain amount of complexity and overhead to
that, especially since these GPU libraries are attractive for
performance 'only' and don't add functionality. Most BLAS level 1 and 2
functions on GPUs may not pay off if the transfers to and from the
device are included in performance considerations.
Best regards,