Ublas :
- Next message: Thomas Klimpel: "Re: [ublas] broken coordinate_matrix::sort with gcc 4.7 (was: patches for #7297, #7296, #6514, #6511 on trunk - please verify)"
- Previous message: Gunter Winkler: "Re: [ublas] broken coordinate_matrix::sort with gcc 4.7 (was: patches for #7297, #7296, #6514, #6511 on trunk - please verify)"
- In reply to: Jérémy Coulon: "Re: [ublas] patches for #7297, #7296, #6514, #6511 on trunk - please verify"
- Next in thread: sguazt: "Re: [ublas] patches for #7297, #7296, #6514, #6511 on trunk - please verify"
- Reply: sguazt: "Re: [ublas] patches for #7297, #7296, #6514, #6511 on trunk - please verify"
Am Tuesday 28 August 2012 schrieb Jérémy Coulon:
> Could you also apply the following patch ?
> https://svn.boost.org/trac/boost/ticket/6010
> The trac says it has been apply in 1.47 but it looks like it is a
> mistake.
done - applied patch to trunk.
- Next message: Thomas Klimpel: "Re: [ublas] broken coordinate_matrix::sort with gcc 4.7 (was: patches for #7297, #7296, #6514, #6511 on trunk - please verify)"
- Previous message: Gunter Winkler: "Re: [ublas] broken coordinate_matrix::sort with gcc 4.7 (was: patches for #7297, #7296, #6514, #6511 on trunk - please verify)"
- In reply to: Jérémy Coulon: "Re: [ublas] patches for #7297, #7296, #6514, #6511 on trunk - please verify"
- Next in thread: sguazt: "Re: [ublas] patches for #7297, #7296, #6514, #6511 on trunk - please verify"
- Reply: sguazt: "Re: [ublas] patches for #7297, #7296, #6514, #6511 on trunk - please verify"