Ublas : |
Subject: Re: [ublas] Matrix multiplication performance
From: palik imre (imre_palik_at_[hidden])
Date: 2016-01-28 11:05:52
This microkernel works for both float and double (though not yet for the mixed case. Will do that tomorrow):
template <typename Index, typename T>
void ugemm(Index kc, T alpha,
          const T *A, const T *B,
          T beta,
          T *C, Index incRowC, Index incColC)
   static const Index MR = BlockSize<T>::MR;
   static const Index NR = BlockSize<T>::NR;
   static const unsigned div = 32/sizeof(T);
   typedef T vx __attribute__((vector_size (32)));
   vx P[MR*NR/div] __attribute__ ((aligned (128))) = {};
   const vx *B_ = (vx *)B;
   for (Index i=0; i<MR; ++i) {
     for (Index l=0; l<kc; ++l) {
       for (Index j=0; j<(NR/div); ++j) {
         P[i * NR/div + j] += A[l + i*kc]*B_[l*(NR/div)+j];
   T *P_ = (T *)P;
   for (Index j=0; j<NR; ++j) {
     for (Index i=0; i<MR; ++i) {
       C[i*incRowC+j*incColC] *= beta;
       C[i*incRowC+j*incColC] += alpha*P_[i * NR + j];
$ g++ -Wall -W -std=gnu++11 -Ofast -march=core-avx2 -mtune=core-avx2 -funroll-loops -g -DNDEBUG -DM_TYPE=double -DM_MAX=1000 -I gemm -o matprod4 matprod4.cc
$ ./matprod4
#  m    n    k uBLAS:  t1      MFLOPS  Blocked:  t2     MFLOPS       Diff nrm1
 100  100  100 0.000312898     6391.86    0.000232107     8616.72    6.23429e-08
 200  200  200  0.00402665     3973.53     0.00104265     15345.5    6.51317e-07
 300  300  300   0.0140405     3846.01     0.00266711     20246.6    2.22925e-06
 400  400  400   0.0281966     4539.55      0.0057186     22383.1    5.30851e-06
 500  500  500    0.044483     5620.13      0.0103163     24233.6    1.03773e-05
 600  600  600   0.0677454     6376.81      0.0169294     25517.7    1.78643e-05
 700  700  700    0.105874      6479.4      0.0260756     26308.1    2.82859e-05
 800  800  800    0.160001     6399.96      0.0387259     26442.3    4.21266e-05
 900  900  900    0.229306     6358.32      0.0563846     25858.1     5.9881e-05
 1000 1000 1000    0.315917     6330.77      0.0762954     26213.9    8.18716e-05
$ g++ -Wall -W -std=gnu++11 -Ofast -march=core-avx2 -mtune=core-avx2 -funroll-loops -g -DNDEBUG -DM_TYPE=float -DM_MAX=1000 -I gemm -o matprod4 matprod4.cc
$ ./matprod4
#  m    n    k uBLAS:  t1      MFLOPS  Blocked:  t2     MFLOPS       Diff nrm1
 100  100  100 0.000214128     9340.21    0.000151747     13179.8        33.6624
 200  200  200  0.00113299       14122    0.000676544     23649.6        348.119
 300  300  300  0.00716625     7535.32     0.00167322       32273        1200.01
 400  400  400   0.0151467     8450.68     0.00371294       34474        2854.09
 500  500  500   0.0259993     9615.63     0.00656574     38076.5        5558.22
 600  600  600   0.0382291     11300.3      0.0110199     39201.9        9565.28
 700  700  700   0.0521324     13158.8      0.0159092     43119.7        15144.4
 800  800  800   0.0779286     13140.2      0.0242163     42285.6        22632.3
 900  900  900    0.105746     13787.8      0.0354541     41123.6        32059.1
 1000 1000 1000    0.151049     13240.7      0.0459311     43543.5        43898.1
On Wednesday, 27 January 2016, 1:39, Michael Lehn <michael.lehn_at_[hidden]> wrote:
On 23 Jan 2016, at 18:53, palik imre <imre_palik_at_[hidden]> wrote:
Hi All,
what's next? I mean what is the development process for ublas?
Now we have a C-like implementation that outperforms both the mainline, and the branch version (axpy_prod). What will we do with that?
As far as I see we have the following options:
1) Create a C++ template magic implementation out of it. But for this, at the least we would need compile-time access to the target instruction set. Any idea how to do that?
2) Create a compiled library implementation out of it, and choose the implementation run-time based on the CPU capabilities.
3) Include some good defaults/defines, and hope the user will use them.
4) Don't include it, and do something completely different.
What do you think?
At the moment I am not sure, but pretty sure, that you donât have to rewrite uBLAS to support good performance. Â uBLAS is a pretty finelibrary and already has what you need. Â So just extend it. At least for 383 lines of code :-)
As I was pretty busy the last days, so I could not continue until today. Â I made some minimal modifications to adopt the GEMM implementationto take advantage of uBLAS:
- The GEMM frame algorithm and the pack functions now work with any uBLAS matrix that supports element access through the notation A(i,j)- Only for matrix C in the operation C <- beta*C + alpha*A*B it requires that the matrix is stored row-major or col-major. Â The other matrices canbe expressions. Here I need some help to get rid of this ugly lines of code:
  TC *C_ = &C(0,0);  const size_type incRowC = &C(1,0) - &C(0,0);  const size_type incColC = &C(0,1) - &C(0,0);
- Things like the following should work without performance penalty (and in particularly without creating temporaries):   blas::axpy_prod(3*A1+A2, B1 - B2, C, matprodUpdate) - And matrices A and B can be symmetric or whatever.  Of course if A or B is triangular a specialized implementation can take advantage- The storage format does not matter.  You can mix row-major and col-major, packed, â¦
Here is the page for this:
Please note, creating the benchmarks for the symmetric matrix-matrix product really takes long because the current uBLAS implementation seemsto be much slower than for general matrices. Â So I reduced the problem size for now. Â It would be helpful if some people could reproduce the benchmarksand also check different cases:
- different expressions- different element types, e.g. A with floats, B with double etc. Â At the moment there is only a micro kernel for double. Â The performance depends on thecommon type of A and B. Â So with complex<..> the reference implementation. Â But the performance should at least be constant in this case.
It would in particular be nice to have benchmarks from people with an Intel Sandybridge or Haswell as the micro kernels are optimized for thesearchitectures. Â If interested I can extend the benchmarks to compare with Intel MKL. Â For Linux there is a free non-commercial version available.