the ublas matrix and vector classes both have a constructor that takes the array_data as the third parameter

// pulled from vector.hpp
vector (size_type size, const array_type &data)

// pulled from matrix.hpp
matrix (size_type size1, size_type size2, const array_type &data)

these take the data by const reference and then make a copy of it to their internal array_type variable data_ so they don't do exactly what you want

theoretically there could be a different constructor that would allow pointing to the same array_type data, but this could be risky if you were to manipulate the sizing of the data by adding or removing elements and this could be why the view adapters that were mentioned by Nasos allowing read only access.

On Thu, Sep 17, 2009 at 1:11 PM, Mark Johnson <> wrote:
Thanks Jesse for your answer and the code fragment!

Is there a way of building a matrix or vector out of a pre-existing
array_type?  I'd like to be able to view a matrix as a vector, and use
vector arithmetic on it.

What would be great would be a way of building a matrix or vector out of
any object v that implements (say) v.size() and v[index].

I also think it would be great to have "computed matrices", i.e., an
adaptor that constructs a matrix interface for an arbitrary function
object f that implements (say) f.size1(), f.size2() and f(i,j).

I'd be willing to implement such a thing, but I don't know whether the
returned object should be a matrix_expression, a matrix_reference or
whatever, and I don't know what things an object has to define in order
to be a vector or a matrix.  If someone can point me to the appropriate
documentation that would be great!



On 01/-10/-28163 02:59 PM, Jesse Manning wrote:
 For dense matrix types the underlying storage of the matrix is just an
 array of m*n values. You can access this data directly from the matrix
 and it will provide the "vector view" so to speak. I am not sure about
 other types of matrices such as sparse or compressed since I have
 mostly dealt with dense. Here is some example code:

    ublas::matrix<int>  mat1(3,3);

    // fill matrix with values
    mat1(0,0) = 1;
    mat1(0,1) = 3;
    mat1(0,2) = 2;
    mat1(1,0) = 1;
    mat1(1,1) = 0;
    mat1(1,2) = 0;
    mat1(2,0) = 1;
    mat1(2,1) = 2;
    mat1(2,2) = 2;

    // get vector view of matrix elements
    ublas::matrix<int>::array_type&  myarray =;

    // print contents
    std::cout<<  "myarray size: "<<  myarray.size()<<  std::endl;
    std::cout<<  "[";
    for (size_t i=0; i<  myarray.size(); ++i)
        std::cout<<  myarray[i];

        if (i != myarray.size()-1)
            std::cout<<  ",";
    std::cout<<  "]"<<  std::endl;

    // modify some contents of the matrix using the vector view
    myarray[0] = 0;
    myarray[1] = 0;
    myarray[2] = 0;

    // print contents to show changes
    std::cout<<  "myarray size: "<<  myarray.size()<<  std::endl;
    std::cout<<  "[";
    for (size_t i=0; i<  myarray.size(); ++i)
        std::cout<<  myarray[i];

        if (i != myarray.size()-1)
            std::cout<<  ",";
    std::cout<<  "]"<<  std::endl;

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