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From: Reid Sweatman (reids_at_[hidden])
Date: 1999-07-12 18:36:19

> I am looking for one word or a couple of short words to fit on the
> navigation bar. Maybe just "More". That way the page pointed to can
> contain links to articles about programming practices, Boost
> policies, an "interesting links" pages, poems, jokes, and anything
> else we decide is worthwhile.

Well, with that broad a mandate, "Stuff" would seem to cover it, although I
somehow don't think it quite conveys the impression of professionalism one
would prefer for such a site <g>. Actually, how about "Techniques?" It
seems to me that trying to put all that stuff on one button is faulty
partitioning of the problem domain, if you'll pardon a programming metaphor.
Things that are really different should have their own links on the main

Speaking of which, the "Beta Software" button on the main page doesn't take
you to nearly everything that's been discussed, sent in, or proposed lately.
If you didn't save the e-mail in which the poster listed the directory on
the server, you're in for a long hunt with a lot of guessing. Took me
fifteen minutes to find that timer code, because I accidentally deleted the
original post. That should be kept a bit more current, I think.

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