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From: Beman Dawes (beman_at_[hidden])
Date: 1999-08-19 06:44:17

At 02:56 PM 8/18/99 +0200, Valentin Bonnard wrote:

>Beman Dawes wrote:
>> Someone, Valentin I think,
>> previously suggested boost sub-namespaces,
>> and I reacted negatively.
>Thank you for the different reaction: when I propose something,
>the answer is a clear no, when someone else proposes it, it's

There is a difference between an idea and a proposal. Anyone wanting
to get a proposal accepted needs to:

* Communicate it clearly; explain it both in prose and in code, show
how it is to be used, etc. Enough explanation that people can
understand it, but not so long they skip to the next message.

* Followup, answering people's questions, and asking a few yourself
to see if people need help understanding your proposal.

* Form alliances with others interested in the topic; work privately
with them to refine your proposal. Be sure to credit others for the
help they provide.

* Do the work; don't expect others to refine your ideas into
polished code, write test programs and documentation, do maintenance,
and so forth.


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