Boost : |
From: James Curran/MVP (JamesCurran_at_[hidden])
Date: 1999-10-04 14:49:15
>> >> Calling functions with explicit template args is not supported, so
use_facet and has_facet are non-standard. Another maco anyone? << <<
>> ??!?!?!?!?! I was *sure* I'd used this in MSVC 6, and found it to work.
But you're right, it doesn't. OK, I give up. MSVC is utterly broken, even in
version 6. <<
Well, not entirely broken...
template <typename T>
T func()
{ return T(); }
int n = func<int>();
will fail. However:
template <typename T>
T func(T* t = NULL)
{ return T(); }
int n = func<int>();
will succeed. It's really cheesy work-around, but it does make life with VC
a bit more bearable.
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