Boost : |
From: Valentin Bonnard (Bonnard.V_at_[hidden])
Date: 1999-11-13 13:44:33
Darin Adler wrote:
> Valentin:
> > We are not talking about the same things; I am talking about (roughly):
> >
> > template <class T>
> > struct equalty_comparable
> > {
> > friend bool operator!= (T, T);
> > };
> Oh! Great! It seems that would work fine.
> It seems a little strange to use "friend" in this way, since operator !=
> doesn't need any special access to the class equality_comparable, but I
> guess it's the only way. Seems a bit sneaky.
To me, friend is a scope !
So there are member functions, free functions, and friends.
> I guess I
> don't understand the original remark Dave Abrahams made a while back.
You aren't alone.
-- Valentin Bonnard
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