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From: jsiek_at_[hidden]
Date: 1999-11-29 23:13:32

Beman Dawes writes:
> At 07:31 PM 11/28/99 -0500, Jeremy Siek wrote:
> Questions:
> * Should the iterator_ops.hpp code be part of operators.hpp, or in a
> separate iterator_ops.hpp header?

I think it would be simpler to have just the one file, especially
since the amount of code is so small.

> * Combining both into a single file means two copyrights. If Dave
> or Jeremy (or anyone else) has a problem with this, please say so.

Ok by me.

> * Anyone willing to write some simple documentation? I am willing
> to do it if the iterator_ops.hpp stuff gets added to operator.hpp.

Great, I'm also willing to help or review :)



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